

The Need to be Alone

I wake up every 4 in the morning just to be alone.  To commune with God, to journal my thoughts and to pray.  I don’t need to do it but I want to do it.  No matter how difficult and tiring it is sometimes, it is necessary.

I need a sanctuary where I could recharge my energy to survive my day.  I need a place and a time where I could reflect on my actions the day before.  I need a pause before tackling another day.

My prayer life is my sanctuary, my one hour alone time with my Creator and with myself.  It is not enough but it is what I have.  I thank God for the gift of time.



Wanted: Gentle Mothers

Am I gentle?  Sometimes, maybe.  I love my kids, that’s for sure!  But gentleness is not yet in my vocabulary.  I get irritated at the slightest provocation. 

Sundays, we begin our family day with the Holy Mass at The Feast Makati (a daily Catholic gathering which starts with the Eucharistic Celebration).  Yesterday, Father Patrick slams me hard on his homily when he discussed about being gentle.

His exact words are, “Mothers who are gentle will have successful and happy children.” (more…)

little princess

Stop and Smell the Baby

Finally sitting beside her, I asked, “what do you want to talk about baby?” She smiled and said, “nothing Mommy, I just want you to be with me because I love you.”

I’m done with my breakfast, Josh went to school, Honey was on his way to the office, and my two younger boys were still sleeping. I’m supposed to do the dishes so I could get an early start with my to dos.  My day was just about to begin and I was thinking of the time I could save if I get on with cleaning the dirty dishes in the kitchen sink right away.  I won’t have any problem with the boys having their breakfast late because they know how to clean up.  (more…)

Holy Spirit Equals Christian Precision

1st Reading:  Act 17:15, 22 – 18:1*

…Yet, he is not far from any one of us.  For, in him, we live and move and have our being; as some of your poets have said:  for we, too, are his offspring.  If we are indeed God’s offspring, we ought not to think of divinity as something like a statue of gold or silver, a product of human art and imagination…
