Month: March 2014

How to Get a Student Permit in LTO Makati

I love doing things together with Day and my unica hija.  This time, we applied for a student permit in LTO Makati office.

They have a system but it took us a little longer to get our student license.  There was a sign that says, student permit 30 minutes, not entirely true.  In fairness to them, considering the heavy influx of people coming in, it’s much faster compared to other government offices.  I will still give them (3) three stars for an organized system. I heard it takes longer in other LTO offices. (more…)

It’s The Waiting That Purifies Us

What is it with man that he doesn’t like to sit still and wait?  What’s so great with doing all the time that we can’t be still?  There’s a certain solemnity in waiting.  If you give it a chance, waiting does not just still the body but also the soul.  It is a very effective teacher of patience, humility, and faith. (more…)